Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Night Notes

Gorgeous afternoon in the garden today! Some notes --

*WATERING:  I will be watering Saturday at 3am -- just about 20 minutes, a light watering. Last week, when I watered that amount, the garden looked soaked at 8:30am and dry on the top inch 90 minutes later, so don't be fooled if you arrive in the afternoon and it looks like we didn't water.

* FIELDS: The fields next to the garden have been planted, so please do not walk across them.

* STAFF IN THE GARDEN-- I'm holding a garden interpreter volunteer on Sunday, so soon you should be meeting garden volunteers at the demo plot. They'll be helping us to maintain the demo plot, as well as greeting visitors, answering gardener questions, and reducing pilferage by their presence.

* Speaking of which, I know a lot of you have gotten to meet STEPHANIE-- she's been a terrific addition in her first two weeks. She's mostly scheduled for afternoons on Tue-Thur, also on Saturdys and Sundays. I've gotten a few gardeners asking if I'm no longer around, since they've seen more of Stephanie, but that's not the case -- we try to schedule our hours so we overlap at least once a week, while providing increased coverage in the garden.

* Last note -- PARKING. I hate to mention it again, but we're having a real problem with gardeners parking on the circle drive, coming up onto the grass, and blocking vehicles. One gardener left a car parked squarely in the middle of the circle drive, blocking a visiting school bus of kids. Today I saw 4 cars parked up on the grass -- 2 gardeners, 2 visitors -- and the trash truck was delayed getting through the circle. And I've heard that gardeners are parking on the grass or in the circle drive during times when the Heritage Center isn't open, and have told people it doesn't matter then.

Here's the deal: there's only one place for you all to park, and the staff at Wagner Farm expects you to follow the rule -- across the street. The majority of gardeners are following this rule -- but I hear about every one who doesn't.

See you in the garden!

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