Friday, May 26, 2017

Dear Gardeners,

I think we had a very successful opening weekend in the Community Garden.  Many gardeners came out despite the weather to start preparing and planting in their plots.  

*STRAW- Please make sure you secure your straw!  Straw has been blowing on other people's plots.  When you spread your straw, please spread it carefully and then secure it with U shaped landscaping clips or wet it down.  Keep all your extra straw in your plot.  If you have any extra straw you do not want, please spread it on a nearby straw walkway.

*PLOT EDGE-You must leave a 1 foot border all the way around your plot when you are planting.  Leave at least 18" or more if you are planting large plants such as tomatillos.  I have had to send out reminders to several gardeners to move plants in because they have planted too close to their plot edge.

*SOIL TEMPERATURE- The soil temperature in the Community Garden is currently only 56º.   You can plant tomatoes and peppers when the soil temp is 60º, and nighttime temperatures are above 50º, and your plants have been hardened off.  It is recommended that you plant cucurbits (cucumbers, squash, melons, etc.) when the soil temp is 70º or warmer.  Chalet Garden Center posts the soil temp in Glenview on their website.  See the attached screenshot of directions on how to find it on their website (Thank you gardener, Barbara Coughlin for sharing this!)

*WAGONS- Wagons will be available on Saturday and Sunday.  You may borrow a wagon to carry things from your car to your plot.
*TOOLS and WATERING CANS-Please bring your own tools.  I have purchased 5 green watering cans.  They are in the wooden storage boxes.  Feel free to use them.

*RED'S GARDENING CENTER- I have attached a list of gardening events going on in the month of June at Red's Gardening Center.

*Rain and Irrigation- Check the calendar on the bulletin board to find out how much rain we have had.  You can also check out blog at:

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me.

Happy Gardening!

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