Saturday, September 24, 2016

Dear Gardeners,

Harvest time is a very exciting time in the garden!  There are so many beautiful vegetables ready to be harvested in the garden right now!!!  Don't forget to come and harvest your crops.  We have about 4 more weeks in the garden.  We are hoping to keep the garden open until about the third week in October (weather permitting).  This is just enough time to grow some fresh greens like butter lettuce, leaf lettuce, mustard greens, arugula, and Asian greens.  This is also a great time to grow a cover crop in your garden.  A cover crop adds nitrogen to your soil, suppress weeds, attract bees and beneficial insects, and much, much, more!  I highly recommend planting a cover crop in your plot.

If you are finished with your garden plot, please remove all plants and put them in the compost bins (peas and beans can be left to be turned into the soil to add nitrogen).  Remove all non-organic material as well.  Throw stakes and structures in the trash or take them home with you.  Throw out all plant tags and tomato ties.  LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU ARE DONE WITH YOUR PLOT.

Thank you!

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