Monday, October 13, 2014

*Closing down your plot -- MUST READ*

A quick how-to for closing out your plot for the season: 

These rules must be followed to preserve
eligibility for the lottery in 2015
  1. Remove ALL NON-ORGANIC MATERIALS, including plant ties, plant labels, plastic, styrofoam, metal, string (even if organic), garden staples, popsicle sticks, and anything else you brought into your plot that isn't soil, plants, mulch, newspaper/landscape paper, or compost.
  2. Pull up all plants and pile them along the center of your plot -- ONLY AFTER you have finished step #1. 
  3. DO NOT PUT PLANTS IN COMPOST BINS, which are already full. 
  4. Follow the trash rules below. 
  5. Let me know when you are finished, so I can check over your plot.
TRASH RULES: You guys bring a lot of synthetic items to the WFCG, and all of them need to be removed. However, we don't have the capacity to handle everyone's tomato cages (which can be used over many seasons, actually). So here are the rules:
  1. Nothing bigger than a breadbox may be put in any Wagner Farm trash bins. Nothing. No tomato cages, no large pieces of wood, no stakes, nothing. Please take those items home with you and dispose of them there.
  2. If you put something small in a Wagner Farm trash bin, make sure the bin will close. I know we all at home leave our bins out with the tops partially open, but I've been told that the garbage collector may not empty bins at Wagner Farm if they are over-stuffed.
  3. If you have ALREADY put large items in the bin in the garden, please remove them ASAP and dispose of them at home. 
Stuff I've found already -- 

Please leave the garden how you found it -- not covered in trash! Thank you!

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