Saturday, September 6, 2014

MOWING CHANGE and other news


MOWING: The time for Sunday mowing is changing to 10:15-11:30. Please stay out of the garden during that time. 

WEATHER: Wow, that was some storm last night. Hope you are all enjoying electricity! The garden is pretty wet today, but you may want to check on tomatoes or other vertically-growing veg to ensure their safety.

GREEK FEST: Greek Fest is this weekend each day from 1pm-10pm. Check out more info here:

MUM SALES: Celebrate autumn at the farm!  Fall mum sales begin Saturday, September 5. Hours of operation for fall sales are Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sat-Sun 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Plan to shop early for the best selection! Choose from a lovely array of colors to add some outdoor beauty to your home. Pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks, Indian corn and straw bales will be available starting September 20th. All proceeds benefit Wagner Farm programs and operations.

END OF SEASON: Folks, I have no way of explaining this weird growing season! From our late start to 8" of rain in June to barely a summer, it's been... unpredictable. Our state climatologist is even predicting our first frost may happen in the next two weeks! I try to keep you all in the garden past the first frost, which is usually mid to late October. I will be keeping you updated about our closing date!

CLOSING UP YOUR PLOT: Folks, if you'd like to close out your plot before the actual closing day, you need to do the following:
1. Let me know.
2. Remove ALL NON-ORGANIC MATERIALS, including plant ties, plant labels, plastic, styrofoam, metal, string (even if organic), garden staples, popsicle sticks, and anything else you brought into your plot that isn't soil, plants, mulch, newspaper/landscape paper, or compost.
3. Pull up all plants and pile them along the center of your plot -- ONLY AFTER you have finished step #2. 
4. DO NOT PUT PLANTS IN COMPOST BINS, which are already full. 
5. Let me know when you are finished, so I can check over your plot.

Note: I may be putting the remaining plants from closed plots in a different compost area, leaving those plots looking bare. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO CLOSE YOUR PLOT. Again, don't put plants in compost bins, leave neatly on your plot.


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