Thursday, August 8, 2013

Farmer's Market Recipe Generator from Mark Bittman

So you all are growing some terrific veg out in the community garden. I'd love to hear about some of your favorite recipes or preparations, because while I know how to grow organic veg, I'm not the best cook.

Here's something else I'm going to try -- I found a Farmer's Market Generator on Mark Bittman's website. (Bittman is a terrific chef and cookbook writer -- one of my favorites because he includes very simple recipes in some of his cookbooks).

Here's how it works: The Generator includes up to 50 combinations of fruit, veg, cooking method and herbs. You choose a fruit/veg, and the Generator randomly picks a cooking method and herb, and includes a recipe using all three right below. If you don't like the cooking method or herb chosen, click on those down-arrows, and see if there are other options.

If you want to add a few recipes to your summer repertoire, or you're considering buying something new at the Glenview Farmer's Market on Saturday and you want to see what you might do with it, check out the Farmer's Market Generator here.

Bon appétit!

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